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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- chairmanship, chairperson, chairwoman, chalice, chalk, chalky, challenge, challenger, challenging, chamber, chambermaid, champagne, champion, championship, chance, chancel, chancellor, chandelier, change


- noun
- cámara

EN He conducted him immediately to the lofty tower, secured by several doors, in the summit of which was the chamber of the princess.
GL Levouno dereito á altísima torre, asegurada e defendida por varias portas, no curuto da cal estaba a cámara da princesa.
- Fonte: ALH (761)
- estancia

EN This desolateness overcame all his connubial fears --he called loudly for his wife and children --the lonely chambers rang for a moment with his voice, and then all again was silence.
GL Esta desolación liberouno dos seus temores conxugais. Chamou en voz alta á súa muller e ós seus fillos, e aquelas estancias solitarias resoaron durante un instante, quedando despois todo outra vez en silencio.
- Fonte: RIP (145)
- cuarto

EN He had but one chamber --an old-fashioned saloon-- heavily carved, and fantastically furnished with the remains of former magnificence, for it was one of those hotels in the quarter of the Luxembourg palace, which had once belonged to nobility.
GL Só tiña un cuarto --un salón anticuado-- moi derruído e cun fantástico mobiliario que tiña restos dunha antiga suntuosidade, xa que se trataba dun dos hoteis da zona do palacio de Luxemburgo, que anteriormente pertencera á nobreza.
- Fonte: EXP (64)
.....--- Chamber of Commerce
- Cámara de Comercio

EN GILC and industry associations led by AT&T and the International Chamber of Commerce have recently begun working together to oppose the convention.
GL Ultimamente, as ONG da GILC e as organizacións patronais, encabezadas pola AT&T e a Cámara de Comercio Internacional, empezaron a traballar de consún contra a convención.
- Fonte: C07 (522)