EN His coat was dusty and dirty, and smeared with green down the sleeves.
GL O seu abrigo estaba sucio, poeirento e manchado de verde nas mangas.
Fonte: TEM (276)
EN He stretched his arm wearily towards the foot of the bed, groping with his hand in the pockets of the coat that hung there.
GL Alongou o brazo con canseira cara ao pé da cama, remexendo nos petos da chaqueta que alí ficaba.
Fonte: RET (4370)
EN For such it was considering his age, turned sixty, and his cleanliness and his impersonality, and the white scientific coat which seemed to clothe him.
GL Tal era a súa face, se se tiña en conta a súa idade, frisando os sesenta, e a súa pulcritude e frialdade, e a bata branca de científico coa que parecía vestido.
Fonte: CAR (589)
EN She hung up my coat in the hall closet, and I sort of brushed my hair back with my hand.
GL Colgou o meu gabán na entrada, e eu peiteei un pouco o cabelo para atrás coa man.
Fonte: VIX (136)
..... coat of arms
pedra de armas
EN There are tiny shops with bread, nuts, fritters, candles, sabots in their windows of a few small panes, but many of the houses have elaborate granite coats of arms.
GL Hai pequenas tendas que exhiben pan, noces, froitas, candeas e zocos en fiestras que só teñen algúns vidros, pero, ó tempo, a meirande parte das casas exhiben elaboradas pedras de armas.
Fonte: GAL (441)
transitive verb
EN But once started, the flesh continued to coat the foreign body until it fell free in some tidal flurry or until the oyster was destroyed.
GL E unha vez comezada a operación, a carne continuaba a cubri-lo corpo estraño ata que esta quedaba libre nun golpe de mar ou ata que a ostra era destruída.
Fonte: PER (264)