EN He touched Ralph's bare shoulder and Ralph shuddered at the human contact.
GL Tocou o ombreiro espido de Ralph, e a este aquel contacto humano produciulle un calafrío.
Fonte: SEN (4747)
EN The community is anything but fancy, and life here pales in comparison with that of the middle classes and especially the small, but visible class of new rich who have made it to the top through a mixture of contacts, savvy and privileged position.
GL Aínda que o nivel de vida non é nin con moito o das clases medias e os novos ricos --escasos pero moi ostentosos-- que triunfaron gracias a unha combinación de relacións, habilidade e privilexios.
Fonte: C29 (557)
transitive verb
EN I answered a press advertisement and shortly afterwards was contacted by AfricSearch, where I was selected from among twenty other candidates after a number of tests and interviews.
GL Ó pouco tempo de responder a un anuncio de prensa, AfricSearch contactou con el, e resultou seleccionado, entre 20 candidatos, logo de varias probas e entrevistas.
Fonte: C17 (495)