EN Morning and evening there is also a tumultuous din of the bells of goats and cows, milked at the doors.
GL Mañá e tarde hai sempre un barullo tumultuoso das chocas das cabuxas e das vacas munguidas nas mesmas portas.
Fonte: GAL (430)
EN As twilight fell the old bull stood with lowered head, watching his mates --the cows he had known, the calves he had fathered, the bulls he had mastered-- as they shambled on at a rapid pace through the fading light.
GL Cando caeu a noite, o vello macho, coa cabeza abaixada, viu como os seus compañeiros --as femias que fecundara, as crías que procreara, os machos que sometera-- desaparecían entre sombras con paso rápido pola espesura.
Fonte: CHA (1567)
transitive verb
EN But it tired Mrs Ramsay, it cowed her a little-- the plates whizzing and the doors slamming.
GL Pero iso esgotaba á señora Ramsay, acovardábaa un pouco: os pratos a asubiaren polos aires e as portas a batérense.
Fonte: CAR (3225)