transitive verb
EN "Of course not; he knows you are with me," Robert replied, as he busied himself among sundry pans and covered dishes which had been left standing on the hearth.
GL --Abofé que non. Sabe que está comigo --contestou Robert, mentres coidaba das cazolas e tapaba os pratos que deixaran sobre o fogón.
Fonte: ESP (1036)
EN I was to discover the atrocious folly of this proceeding, but it came to my mind as an ingenious move for covering our retreat.
GL Inda me quedaba por descubri-la atroz tolemia desta idea, pero entón pareceume un enxeñoso movemento para cubri-la nosa retirada.
Fonte: TEM (1546)
EN But he did not step into the road; he crept into the cover of a thorny tree and peered out along the way he had come.
GL Pero non saíu ó camiño. Arrastrouse ata o abrigo dunha árbore espiñosa e escudriñou o camiño polo que viñeran.
Fonte: PER (1307)
EN When he had written this title and drawn an ornamental line underneath he fell into a daydream and began to draw diagrams on the cover of the book.
GL Unha vez escrito o título e debuxado debaixo unha liña de adorno, caeu nunha ensoñación e comezou a trazar diagramas na cuberta do caderno.
Fonte: RET (1492)
EN They'll say that all their lives, she thought, and an exquisite scent of olives and oil and juice rose from the great brown dish as Marthe, with a little flourish, took the cover off.
GL Hano seguir dicindo durante toda a súa vida, pensou, e un exquisito arrecendo a olivas, aceite e prebe saíu daquela enorme cazola castaña cando Marthe, cun lixeiro aceno de ostentación, levantou o tello.
Fonte: CAR (1543)
EN Dozens of cover stories appeared on the automobile revolution, as India liberalized the automobile industry in 1991.
GL En 1991, cando India liberalizou a industria automotriz, a prensa dedicou ducias de portadas a falar da revolución do automóbil.
Fonte: C06 (1224)