EN In Arutar, the literacy course was a direct entry point into women's group activities around savings, credit and income generation.
GL En Arutar, a clase de alfabetización desembocaba directamente en actividades colectivas sobre o aforro, o crédito e o traballo remunerado.
Fonte: C31 (991)
EN And to what I may relate of the later time, give only such credit as may seem due, or doubt it altogether, or, if doubt it ye cannot, then play unto its riddle the Oedipus.
GL Ó segundo, dádelle o creto que vos mereza; ou dubidádeo por completo; ou se non podedes dubidar del, que conte Edipo a súa adiviñanza.
Fonte: LEO (16)
EN And the government took all the credit for a spectacular, courageous undertaking --in Austria, at any rate: building a railroad that defied the mountains.
GL O Estado, pola súa banda, obtiña proveito dunha empresa espectacular e valente, en todo caso para Austria: construír un ferrocarril que desafiaba a montaña.
Fonte: C06 (1108)
EN So you have to give credit to those pioneers who put together such a network before the Web's arrival.
GL Por conseguinte, hai que render homenaxe ós pioneiros que crearon ese entramado antes de que xurdise a Rede.
Fonte: C08 (1182)
..... on credit
ao fiado, · ó fiado
EN The illustrated papers made the outfit so familiar that when I went out in it I was at once recognized and followed by a crowd, and if I attempted a purchase the man would offer me his whole shop on credit before I could pull my note on him.
GL Pois as revistas gráficas fixeron o traxe tan coñecido que cando saía con el de seguida me recoñecían e seguíame unha multitude; e se intentaba mercar algo, o home ofreceríame a tenda enteira ó fiado denantes de que sacase o billete.
Fonte: BIL (214)