transitive verb
EN He summoned his treasurer, and bade him dispense whatever sums might be required by Ibrahim to complete and furnish his hermitage.
GL Chamou ó seu tesoureiro e mandoulle despachar calquera suma de diñeiro que fose requirida por Ibrahim para rematar e fornece-la súa ermida.
Fonte: ALH (159)
EN When she had been married seven years she built and furnished a pretty and comfortable two-thousand-dollar house in the midst of her garden-acre, paid half of the money down and moved her family in.
GL Cando levaba casada sete, construíu e amoblou unha casa bonita e confortable, e que lle custou dous mil dólares, no medio daqueles catro mil metros cadrados de horto; pagou a metade daqueles cartos ó contado e trasladou alí a súa familia.
Fonte: LEG (14)