transitive verb
EN Robert laid his spear on the rock beside him and began to gnaw between his raised hands.
GL Robert pousou a pica na rocha que tiña ó seu carón, e comezou a trabar en algo que sostiña entre as mans levantadas.
Fonte: SEN (5664)
EN Neither ambition nor avarice can enter my mind, and the ardent love that gnaws at my heart, never to be returned --never to find an equal on which to expend itself-- lives there only to torment me.
GL Non teño ambicións nin son cobizoso, e ese ardente amor que me roe o corazón --ese que non ha volver nunca, porque nunca atoparei un igual a quen poder entregarllo-- perdura só para atormentarme.
Fonte: MOR (259)