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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- Hamburg, hamburger, hamlet, hammer, hammering, hammock, hamper, hamster, hamstring, hand, hand-bag, handball, handbook, handclasp, handful, handgun, handicap, handicapped, handicraft


- noun
- man

EN Kino looked down at his closed hand and the knuckles were scabbed over and tight where he had struck the gate.
GL Kino mirou a súa man cerrada e os cotobelos estaban escarapelados e cubertos dunha postela tirante alí onde el batera na porta.
- Fonte: PER (434)
- lado

EN Ralph looked for a moment at the growing slice of gold that lit them from the right hand and seemed to make speech possible.
GL Ralph mirou durante un momento a crecente lasca de ouro que os alumaba dende o lado dereito e que parecía permitirlle falar.
- Fonte: SEN (2891)

- transitive verb
- entregar

EN Edna went forward and opened the stove door, and Mademoiselle rising, took a letter from under the bust of Beethoven and handed it to Edna.
GL Edna inclinouse cara á estufa e abriu a porta; e Mademoiselle, erguéndose, colleu unha carta de debaixo do busto de Beethoven e entregoulla a Edna.
- Fonte: ESP (2263)
- pasar

EN He slipped his hand into his pocket and produced a matchbox which he handed to the other man, who took it but did not strike a light.
GL Introduciu a man no peto e sacou unha caixa de mistos que lle pasou ó outro home, que a colleu pero non prendeu ningún.
- Fonte: ASA (617)
- ofrecer

EN The water which the youth handed to them in a tin pail was not cold to taste, but it was cool to her heated face, and it greatly revived and refreshed her.
GL A auga que a moza lles ofreceu nun balde de folla de lata non estaba fría para beber, pero serviu para refresca-lo seu acalorado rostro e reanimala.
- Fonte: ESP (970)