EN He has a terrific voice, and he's a helluva handsome guy, and he's very nice to watch when he's walking or duelling or something, but he wasn't at all the way D.B. said Hamlet was.
GL Recoñezo que ten boa voz, e que é moi guapo, e que dá gusto miralo cando camiña ou se bate nun desafío, pero non se parecía nada ó Hamlet que eu imaxinaba.
Fonte: VIX (3831)
EN They are very handsome, I suppose, those Mexican women; very picturesque, with their black eyes and their lace scarfs.
GL Son moi bonitas, supoño, esas mulleres mexicanas; moi exóticas, cos seu ollos negros e os mantóns de encaixe.
Fonte: ESP (2835)
EN His face was handsome and his body was strong and hard.
GL O seu rostro era fermoso e o seu corpo forte e rexo.
Fonte: RET (4958)