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Seminario de Lingüística Informática, 2005-2018
Universidade de Vigo

Dicionario CLUVI inglés-galego, 2ª edición revisada (versión 2.2)

(Baseado no Corpus CLUVI da Universidade de Vigo)

En inglés
Comeza con
En galego
Palabra exacta
Sobre o Dicionario
- ignite, ignoble, ignominious, ignominy, ignoramus, ignorance, ignorant, ignore, ilk, ill, ill-disciplined, illegal, illegally, illegible, illegitimacy, illegitimate, ill-equipped, ill-humour, illiberally


- sick

- adjective
- enfermo

EN She could speak no English, but when Robert made her understand that the lady who accompanied him was ill and desired to rest, she was all eagerness to make Edna feel at home and to dispose of her comfortably.
GL Non sabía falar inglés; pero, cando Robert lle fixo entender que a señora que o acompañaba estaba enferma e quería descansar, afanouse por lograr que Edna se sentise a gusto e por acomodala confortablemente.
- Fonte: ESP (974)
- doente

EN If you were married, not to see your wife, not to know how your children were, -- if they were ill, if they had fallen down and broken their legs or arms.
GL E se es casado, non ver á túa muller, non saber como andan os teus fillos: se se atopan doentes ou se tiveron algunha caída e crebaron os brazos ou as pernas.
- Fonte: CAR (19)
- malo

EN An adult might be very ill from the sting, but a baby could easily die from the poison.
GL Un adulto podía poñerse moi malo pero un neno podía morrer facilmente con tal veleno.
- Fonte: PER (111)
.....--- ill at ease
- incómodo

EN She seemed ill at ease on the piano stool, and he begged her to take the chair by the window.
GL Semellaba incómoda no tallo do piano, e el rogoulle que sentase na cadeira ó carón da fiestra.
- Fonte: ESP (2724)

- adverb
- mal

EN The life of his body, ill clad, ill fed, louse-eaten, made him close his eyelids in a sudden spasm of despair and in the darkness he saw the brittle bright bodies of lice falling from the air and turning often as they fell.
GL A vida do seu corpo, mal vestido, mal mantido, comesto de piollos, obrigouno a cerrar as pálpebras nun súbito espasmo de desesperación e na escuridade viu pequenos corpos de piollos, brillantes e quebradizos, caendo polo aire e rolando sobre si mesmos na caída.
- Fonte: RET (4690)