EN Anna was in bed, though I don't suppose, after Martins' visit, that she was asleep.
GL Anna estaba na cama anque, se cadra despois da visita de Martins, sen durmir.
Fonte: TER (1823)
EN Spotted botete, the poison fish, lay on the bottom in the eelgrass beds, and the bright colored swimming crabs scampered over them.
GL Os marxados botetes, peixes velenosos, xacían no fondo en leitos de algas, e os cangrexos de brillantes cores, escorrentados, pasaban nadando por riba deles.
Fonte: PER (228)
EN And so she said, 'Yes; all children go through stages,' and began considering the dahlias in the big bed, and wondering what about next year's flowers, and had he heard the children's nickname for Charles Tansley, she asked.
GL Así que lle contestou: «Si, tódolos nenos pasan por esas etapas», e comezou a reparar nas dalias do macizo grande e a preguntarse que ía facer coas flores do ano seguinte; ¿escoitara el o alcume que lle puxeran os nenos a Charles Tansley?, preguntoulle.
Fonte: CAR (901)
EN Experts say the disaster has left behind a 36, sea bed covered with accumulated salts, which the wind carries away and deposits over thousands of square kilometres of cultivated land.
GL Ó secarse parcialmente, o mar deixou ó aire 36.000 km. de fondo mariño recuberto de sales que o vento deposita sobre miles de hectáreas de terras cultivadas.
Fonte: C10 (740)
..... to go to bed
EN Then he went away from the door and Wells came over to Stephen and said: -- Tell us, Dedalus, do you kiss your mother before you go to bed?
GL Entón Stephen alonxouse da porta e Wells veu onda el a preguntarlle: --A ver, Dédalus, ¿bicas a túa nai antes de te deitares?
Fonte: RET (185)
..... camp bed
EN Mats, camp beds, crazy ghosts of chairs and tables whose London life of service was done -- they did well enough here; and a photograph or two, and books.
GL Esteiras, catres, absurdos espectros de cadeiras e mesas que xa non valían en Londres aproveitábanse aquí; e unha ou dúas fotografías, e libros.
Fonte: CAR (280)