EN Needless to say, the belief in witchcraft abounds, and witches (bruxas), wizards (nubeiros) and exorcisers are as common as curandeiros (quack doctors).
GL Non hai necesidade de dicir que abunda a crenza na bruxería; as bruxas, os meigos (nubeiros) e exorcistas son tan comúns coma os curandeiros.
Fonte: GAL (139)
EN His mind revolved in circles -- from sentiment to lust and back again from belief to cynicism.
GL A súa mente xiraba en círculos: do sentimento á luxuria para tornar de novo da fe ao cinismo.
Fonte: TER (1642)
EN It was a fixed belief with Madame Lebrun that the conduct of the universe and all things pertaining thereto would have been manifestly of a more intelligent and higher order had not Monsieur Lebrun been removed to other spheres during the early years of their married life.
GL Madame Lebrun tiña a idea fixa de que a conducta do universo, en tódolos seus detalles, terá sido máis intelixente e elevada se Monsieur Lebrun non fose transportado a outras esferas nos primeiros anos de matrimonio.
Fonte: ESP (544)
EN It would have at all events sprung; what was at least complete was his belief in the truth itself of the assurance given him.
GL En todo caso, a Besta atacara; o que polo menos ficaba intacto era a súa confianza na verdade do que ela lle asegurara.
Fonte: BES (790)
EN For the first time, the churches found their belief in solidarity with the world's poor taking concrete form and direct political expression.
GL Por primeira vez, o ideal eclesiástico de solidariedade cos pobres do mundo adquiría unha forma concreta e unha expresión política directa.
Fonte: C10 (489)
EN Under the directive, which comes into effect on 25 October 1998, the processing of data about ethnic origins, political opinions, religious and philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health and sex life, is prohibited except where there are special exemptions or derogations.
GL Segundo este texto, que entra en vigor o 25 de outubro, a obtención de datos chamados "sensibles" (sobre a orixe étnica, as opinións políticas, as conviccións relixiosas e filosóficas, a afiliación sindical, a saúde e a vida sexual) en principio está prohibida, salvo derrogación especial.
Fonte: C17 (1175)
..... to the best of my belief
se mal non o lembro
EN At a quarter-past one, to the best of my belief, I was talking to the young American fellow -- secretary to the dead man.'
GL Á unha e cuarto, se mal non o lembro, estaba a falar co mozo estadounidense, o secretario do morto.
Fonte: ASA (2923)
..... contrary to popular belief
á inversa do que adoita crerse
EN Contrary to popular belief, the possession of drugs for personal use is against the law in The Netherlands.
GL Á inversa do que adoita crerse, a posesión de drogas para uso persoal está prohibida pola lei nese país.
Fonte: C01 (994)