transitive verb
EN I believe that it makes very little difference whether you are engaged or not!
GL Creo que non cambia nada que estea comprometida ou deixe de estalo.
Fonte: DAI (1394)
EN Allowing that my theory of the crime was the correct one, and I believe that it must be the correct one, then obviously the Wagon Lit conductor himself must be privy to the plot.
GL Supoñendo que a miña teoría sobre o crime sexa correcta, e eu coido que ten que ser correcta, é evidente que o revisor de Wagon Lit ten que ter parte no complot.
Fonte: ASA (6010)
EN Wolf would wag his tail, look wistfully in his master's face, and if dogs can feel pity I verily believe he reciprocated the sentiment with all his heart.
GL Lobo movía a rabo, miraba cariñosamente ó seu amo e, se un can pode sentir pena, penso sinceramente que este lle correspondía co mesmo sentimento dende o máis profundo do seu corazón.
Fonte: RIP (60)
EN Away from her the doubt pressed again; in her presence he had believed her, but as he felt his forlornness he threw himself into the explanation that, nearest at hand, had most of a miserable warmth for him and least of a cold torment.
GL Lonxe dela a dúbida xurdía de novo; na súa presencia confiara nela, pero agora, sentíndose desamparado, aferrouse á explicación que, estándolle máis á man, lle fornecía maior medida de mísera calor que de frío tormento.
Fonte: BES (647)
EN Ninety-three percent of those questioned said protecting the environment did not hinder the country's development, while 90 percent believed that cutting down more trees would not help reduce hunger.
GL A xuízo do 93 % dos consultados, a conservación do medio non é prexudicial para o desenvolvemento do Brasil, e o 90 % destes opinaron que unha maior deforestación non había contribuír a reduci-la fame.
Fonte: C27 (674)