EN The flames, as though they were a kind of wild life, crept as a jaguar creeps on its belly towards a line of birch-like saplings that fledged an outcrop of the pink rock.
GL As chamas, coma se fosen unha forma de vida salvaxe, arrastrábanse, como o fai o xaguar sobre a barriga, cara a unha liña de rebentos semellantes ós dos bidos que enfeitaban un afloramento de rochas.
Fonte: SEN (1171)
EN Stuff it into you, his belly counselled him.
GL Engúleo, aconselláballe a panza.
Fonte: RET (2119)
EN The tunnel would let anonymous express trains zoom through the belly of the mountain, saving the 20 minutes that I so thoroughly enjoy losing in the switchbacks.
GL Ese túnel permitiralles ós expresos anónimos avanzaren a través do ventre da montaña e aforraren os vinte minutos que tanto me gusta perder nas curvas.
Fonte: C06 (1163)