EN Beautiful are the bells of Santiago; delightfully mellow, wood on bronze, the notes of its great clock; exquisite the services and most musical the singing in the cathedral.
GL Son preciosas as campás de Santiago; de sons suaves, madeira sobre bronce, as notas do gran reloxo; os oficios relixiosos exquisitos e do máis musical os cantos da catedral.
Fonte: GAL (638)
EN He had no difficulty in finding Mr. Kurtz' block, and when he rang the bell the door was opened quickly, as though Mr. Kurtz expected a visitor, by Mr. Kurtz himself.
GL Encontrou sen dificultade o edificio de Kurtz; tocou o timbre e abriron en seguida, coma se estivesen esperando a alguén; era Kurtz en persoa.
Fonte: TER (1995)
EN She had touched in her passage a bell near the chimney and had sunk back strangely pale.
GL Ela tocara ó seu paso unha campaíña preto da cheminea e afundírase na cadeira, estrañamente pálida.
Fonte: BES (625)