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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- biotechnological, biotechnology, bipolarization, birch, bird, biretta, birth, birthday, birthmark, birthplace, biscuit, bishop, bit, bitch, bite, biting, bitter, bitterly, bitterness


- noun
- lugar de nacemento

EN Celanova was the birthplace of Manuel Curros Enriquez, one of the chief Galician poets of the nineteenth century, and his house of plain granite, with two storeys of three windows each and a window on either side of the door, has a marble inscription.
GL Celanova é o lugar de nacemento de Manuel Curros Enríquez, un dos poetas galegos máis importantes do século XIX; a súa casa de pedra sinxela, con dous andares de tres fiestras cada un e unha fiestra a cada lado da porta, ten unha inscrición en mármore.
- Fonte: GAL (1105)
- berce

EN This western Algerian city is the birthplace of rai, and of one of its leading stars, Khaled.
GL A metrópole do oeste alxeriano é o berce do rai e de Khaled, o seu principal representante.
- Fonte: C15 (355)
- patria

EN The apprehensions surrounding human cloning are clearly seen in Dolly's birthplace, the United Kingdom.
GL No Reino Unido, patria de Dolly, son vivos os temores que suscita a clonación humana.
- Fonte: C18 (13)
- cidade natal

EN I'm very fond of Certaldo because it was the birthplace of Boccaccio, the great medieval Italian novelist.
GL A última gústame moito porque é a cidade natal de Bocaccio, o gran novelista italiano da Idade Media.
- Fonte: C32 (1464)