FEM: boatwoman; PLURAL: boatmen |
EN There are four barqueros in this hamlet, with four or five boats (they consist of two roughly hollowed chestnut trunks joined by planks nailed across them), but whistle and shout as one may, a boatman is rarely forthcoming, and the boats remain chained at the ferry across the Sil, to which one has to cross the Cabe, which here dies like a turbulent mountain stream, by a rickety foot-bridge of half-rotten planks.
GL Hai catro barqueiros nesta aldea, e catro ou cinco barcas consistentes en dous troncos toscamente baleirados e unidos por pranchas cravadas ó longo deles, pero, aínda que se asubíe ou berre o máis que se poida, o barqueiro raramente acode e as barcas permanecen amarradas ó embarcadeiro na outra banda do Sil. A el chégase cruzando o Cabe, que aquí morre coma un turbulento regato de montaña debaixo dunha ponte insegura feita con táboas medio podres.
Fonte: GAL (1279)