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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- blundering, blunt, bluntly, bluntness, blur, blurred, blurt, blush, boar, board, boarded, boarder, boarding, boast, boastful, boat, boatman, bob, bobbin


- noun
- táboa

EN Bartley will have a fine coffin out of the white boards, and a deep grave surely.
GL Bartley terá un bo cadaleito feito coas táboas brancas, e unha tumba ben fonda, con certeza.
- Fonte: RID (360)
- pizarra

EN Father Arnall wrote a hard sum on the board and then said: --Now then, who will win?
GL O Padre Arnall escribiu un difícil na pizarra e entón dixo: --Veña, ¿quen vai gañar?
- Fonte: RET (124)
- xunta

EN My time was my own after the afternoon board, Saturdays, and I was accustomed to put it in on a little sail-boat on the bay.
GL Os sábados, despois da xunta da tarde, dispoñía do meu tempo como quería e tiña o costume de investilo nun barquiño na badía.
- Fonte: BIL (3)
- madeiro

EN They were recognized as graves by the discolored stones or rotting boards at head and foot, leaning at all angles, some prostrate; by the ruined picket fences surrounding them; or, infrequently, by the mound itself showing its gravel through the fallen leaves.
GL Recoñecíanse polas pedras descoloridas ou polos madeiros podrecidos da cabeceira e dos pés, que se inclinaban en todos os ángulos, algunhas mesmo deitadas polos ruinosos valados que as cercaban; ou, en contados casos, polos montículos que amosaban o grixo entre as follas caídas.
- Fonte: HAL (199)
- comida

EN Participants pay their air fare to the site, room and board and a fee to join the project.
GL Os seus integrantes pagan a súa viaxe ata o lugar, aloxamento ou comida, ademais dun dereito de participación no proxecto.
- Fonte: C12 (477)
- alimentación

EN They can win prizes in dollars or in kind (cars and apartments) in exchange for a contribution to the state for its support in terms of training, board and lodging.
GL Poden recibir premios en dólares ou en especie (automóbiles e apartamentos) a cambio dunha contribución ó Estado pola súa preparación, alimentación e aloxamento.
- Fonte: C14 (607)
- claustro

EN Corporate-dominated university boards increasingly choose top administrators who support a corporate model of governance.
GL Os claustros universitarios dominados polas empresas elixen con frecuencia dirixentes que preconizan un modelo empresarial de xestión.
- Fonte: C25 (48)
- consello

EN The board stands ready to "interview anyone interested in working in education".
GL O consello está disposto a "entrevistar a cantos estean interesados en traballar na educación".
- Fonte: C28 (1007)
.....--- to take on board
- ter en conta

EN Taking on board emerging evidence of the benefits of volunteering on staff morale, team-building and business profile, more and more employers --in the public and private sectors-- are encouraging their staff to get involved in volunteer activity.
GL Tendo en conta a conciencia crecente das vantaxes do voluntariado para a moral do persoal, a constitución de equipos e a imaxe dos negocios, son cada vez máis os empregadores --no sector público e mais no privado-- que incitan o seu persoal a incorporarse a actividades desta índole.
- Fonte: C06 (124)
.....--- above board
- en orde

EN 'No, it seems all quite clear and above board.
GL --Non. Semella que todo está claro e en orde.
- Fonte: ASA (2505)
.....--- notice board
- taboleiro de anuncios

EN I can see the place. I can see the notice board and what was on it.
GL Aínda podo ver o sitio, o taboleiro de anuncios e o que nel estaba escrito.
- Fonte: TER (211)
.....--- on board
- a bordo (de)

EN In attendance, likewise, was a major of the British army, awaiting the Lieutenant-Governor's orders for the landing of the troops, which still remained on board the transports.
GL En presenza, así mesmo, estaba un maior do exército británico, esperando as ordes do tenente-gobernador para o desembarco das tropas, que aínda permanecían a bordo dos transportes.
- Fonte: EDW (87)
- embarcado

EN And for my own poor part I should despise the man who, even on board a sinking ship, should omit to take a pill or to wind up his watch.
GL Pola miña humilde parte, eu desaprobaría o home que, inda embarcado nun barco que vai calando, non tomase unha menciña ou non lle dese corda ó seu reloxo.
- Fonte: FAB (108)