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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- ceremonious, ceremony, certain, certainly, certainty, certificate, certification, certify, certitude, cessation, cesspit, cesspool, CFC, Chad, chador, chadri, chaff, chaffering, chagrin


- noun
- pausa

EN An eternity of endless agony, of endless bodily and spiritual torment, without one ray of hope, without one moment of cessation, of agony limitless in intensity, of torment infinitely varied, of torture that sustains eternally that which it eternally devours, of anguish that everlastingly preys upon the spirit while it racks the flesh, an eternity, every instant of which is itself an eternity of woe.
GL Unha eternidade de agonía interminable, de tormento corporal e espiritual sen fin, sen un só raio de esperanza, sen un momento de pausa, dunha agonía sen límites na súa intensidade, de tormentos infinitamente variados, dunha tortura que sustenta eternamente aquilo que eternamente devora, dunha angustia que fai presa eternamente no espírito mentres aflixe a carne, unha eternidade, cada instante da cal é de seu unha eternidade dolorosa.
- Fonte: RET (2670)
- cesamento

EN He could scarce have said what the effect resembled; the abrupt cessation, the positive prohibition, of music perhaps, more than anything else, in some place all adjusted and all accustomed to sonority and to attention.
GL A penas podería dicir a qué se parecía o efecto; ó cesamento abrupto, á prohibición definitiva da música, quizais, máis que a ningunha outra cousa, nun lugar adaptado e acostumado á sonoridade e á atención.
- Fonte: BES (786)