EN Thornton's doubt was strong in his face, but his fighting spirit was aroused -- the fighting spirit that soars above odds, fails to recognise the impossible, and is deaf to all save the clamour for battle.
GL A dúbida asomaba no rostro de Thornton, pero o seu espírito combativo -- ese espírito combativo que galga por riba das dificultades, que non admite o imposible e é xordo a todo menos ó clamor da batalla -- espertaba no seu interior.
Fonte: CHA (1344)
EN Jack started to protest but the clamour changed from the general wish for a chief to an election by acclaim of Ralph himself.
GL Jack comezou a protestar pero o balbordo cambiou dende a manifestación do desexo xeral de teren un xefe á elección por aclamación do propio Ralph.
Fonte: SEN (471)
EN The boats -- mostly motor launches, for the old-fashioned sailing-boats (xeitos) and rowing-boats (traiñas) tend to disappear -- come in at evening, and the salting and packing of fish goes on far into the night, the pounding of long blocks of ice with heavy wooden rammers (pisones) forming a continual bass to the shrill clamour of the women's voices.
GL Os botes -- a meirande parte lanchas a motor, xa que os anticuados pesqueiros (xeitos) e as barcas de remos (traíñas) tenden a desaparecer -- chegan á noitiña para continuar co salgado e empaquetado do peixe ata ben avanzada a noite. Daquela, o machucado dos grandes bloques de xelo con pesados mazos (pisón) forma un baixo continuo para o agudo chiar das voces das mulleres.
Fonte: GAL (825)
EN Poor Rip was at last reduced almost to despair; and his only alternative, to escape from the labor of the farm and clamor of his wife, was to take gun in hand and stroll away into the woods.
GL Ó final, o pobre Rip quedaba reducido case á desesperación e a única alternativa que tiña para fuxir do traballo da granxa e dos berros da súa muller era colle-la escopeta e botar a andar pola fraga.
Fonte: RIP (57)
transitive verb
EN Edna wondered if they had all gone mad, to be talking and clamoring at that rate.
GL Edna pregúntabase se tolearan para falar e vociferar en semellante ton.
Fonte: ESP (1149)
EN I replied to the yells of him who clamoured.
GL Respondín ós berros de aquel que clamaba.
Fonte: CAS (166)