EN Some cleavage of the dark there must have been, some channel in the depths of obscurity through which light enough issued to twist her face grinning in the glass and make her, turning to her job again, mumble out the old music hall song.
GL Debeuse de abrir algunha fenda na escuridade ou algún túnel no fondo das tebras polo que saíu luz abonda para ilumina-lo seu rostro deforme sorrindo ante o espello e lograr que, ó prosegui-lo seu traballo outra vez, cantaruxase a vella melodía do music hall.
Fonte: CAR (2006)
EN However, the emergence of a worldwide ethical awareness is accompanied by new social cleavages that are transforming the planet's political and economic landscape.
GL Pero a aparición dunha conciencia ética mundial vai acompañada de novas fracturas que están transformando o panorama político e económico do planeta.
Fonte: C01 (43)