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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- cleavage, cleave, cleft, clench, Cleopatra, clergy, clergyman, clerical, clerk, clever, cleverly, cleverness, cliché, click, client, clientele, cliff, climate, climatic


- smart

- adjective
- aleuto

EN And now,' she said, thinking that Lily's charm was her Chinese eyes, aslant in her white, puckered little face, but it would take a clever man to see it, 'and now stand up, and let me measure your leg,' for they might go to the Lighthouse after all, and she must see if the stocking did not need to be an inch or two longer in the leg.
GL E agora --dixo, pensando que o engado de Lily residía nos seus ollos oblicuos, achinesados, naquela branca cariña francida, pero só un home moi aleuto se podería decatar-- , e agora ponte de pé, e déixame medi-la túa perna --porque despois de todo poida que fosen ó faro, e ela debía ver se ó calcetín lle faltaban unha ou dúas polgadas na perna.
- Fonte: CAR (274)
- intelixente

EN Father Arnall knew more than Dante because he was a priest but both his father and uncle Charles said that Dante was a clever woman and a well-read woman.
GL O Padre Arnall sabía máis que Dante porque era crego, pero o seu pai e o tío Charles dicían que Dante era unha muller intelixente e moi sabida.
- Fonte: RET (98)
- espelido

EN Madame, the most kind, the most amiable are not always the cleverest.
GL Madame, non sempre as persoas máis amables e bondadosas son as máis espelidas.
- Fonte: ASA (4105)
- enxeñoso

EN Her husband told the story of the Waco man privately to Miss Mayblunt, who pretended to be greatly amused and to think it extremely clever.
GL O seu marido contoulle a historia do home de Waco, nun aparte, á señorita Mayblunt, que finxiu atopala divertidísima e moi enxeñosa.
- Fonte: ESP (2481)
- astuto

EN The pirates are very clever and however much we try, they always manage to make copies.
GL Os piratas son moi astutos, e por moito que un ande esperto, sempre se apañan para copiar.
- Fonte: C07 (1181)
- listo

EN After all, is anyone clever enough to predict exactly what the tumultuous affair between the Internet and television will give birth to?
GL E hoxe pasaríase de listo quen quixese dicir exactamente qué futuro han dar co tempo as tormentosas relacións entre Internet e a televisión.
- Fonte: C32 (1238)