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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- clay, clean, cleaner, cleaning, cleanliness, cleanly, cleanse, cleansing, clean-up, clear, clearance, clearheadedness, clearing, clearinghouse, clearly, cleavage, cleave, cleft, clench


- adjective
- claro

EN The lank brown horses knew it and shook their bells to the clear night in admonition.
GL Os fracos cabalos pardos sabíano e abaneaban as campaíñas na noite clara como avisando.
- Fonte: RET (1469)
- nidio

EN And then there it was, suddenly entire shaped in her hands, beautiful and reasonable, clear and complete, the essence sucked out of life and held rounded here -- the sonnet.
GL E velaí estaba, súbita e enteiramente formada nas súas mans, fermosa e razoable, nidia e rotunda, a esencia extraída da vida quedaba redondeada aquí: no soneto.
- Fonte: CAR (1878)
- transparente

EN The problem is that our diplomatic practices and the absence of a common European foreign policy means we have no clear and effective positions on these matters.
GL O problema é que a nosa cultura diplomática e a falta dunha política exterior europea común impídennos adoptar posturas transparentes e eficaces sobre esas cuestións.
- Fonte: C01 (153)
- consciente

EN I said to her, 'He must have been very clear in his head at the end --because he remembered about me too'.
GL Díxenlle a Anna: Debía estar moi consciente nos seus derradeiros momentos, porque tamén se acordou de min.
- Fonte: TER (668)
- despexado

EN It was, as I have said, a fine autumnal day, the sky was clear and serene, and nature wore that rich and golden livery which we always associate with the idea of abundance.
GL Como dicía, era un fermoso día de outono. O ceo estaba sereno e despexado, e a natureza estaba vestida con esas roupas luxosas e douradas que sempre se asocian co ideal de riqueza.
- Fonte: LEN (158)
- tranquilo

EN It behooves me to be calm and patient, to learn the way of the people, to get a clear idea of the method of my loss, and the means of getting materials and tools.
GL A miña obriga é permanecer tranquilo e ser paciente para aprender cómo é esta xente, para facerme unha idea clara de cómo se produciu a miña perda e atopa-los medios de consegui-los materiais e ferramentas.
- Fonte: TEM (806)
- evidente

EN The economic and social benefits of this system are clear.
GL As vantaxes sociais e económicas deste sistema son evidentes.
- Fonte: C04 (196)

- intransitive verb
- despexar

EN What she brought out, at any rate, quite cleared the air and supplied the link --the link it was so odd he should frivolously have managed to lose.
GL O que ela revelou, en calquera caso, despexou o ambiente e forneceu o elo, aquel elo que el misteriosamente perdera de xeito tan frívolo.
- Fonte: BES (56)
- clarexar

EN The bubbles rose behind him until the water cleared and he could see.
GL Detrás del ían subindo burbullas ata que a auga clarexou e puido ver.
- Fonte: PER (272)
- borrar

EN It was so arranged that if suspicion should fall on any one person, the evidence of one or more of the others would clear the accused person and confuse the issue.
GL Estaba todo amañado de tal xeito que no caso de que recaesen sospeitas sobre alguén, as declaracións dun ou máis dos outros pasaxeiros borrarían toda sombra de dúbida e confundirían aínda máis a situación.
- Fonte: ASA (5971)
- limpar

EN The fall in coffee prices in the last 20 years, the death of elders who handed down customs, the exodus of young people and the lack of local prospects may help to explain why all the Ambingivato fokonolona does these days is clear the roads.
GL Durante vinte anos, a caída do prezo do café, a desaparición dos vellos que manteñen as tradicións, o éxodo dos mozos e a falta de perspectivas para o futuro explican que diminuíse a vitalidade do fokonolona de Ambingivato, que xa só se dedica a limpa-los camiños.
- Fonte: C11 (589)
- evacuar

EN Women clear the debris, while men patrol for looters.
GL As mulleres evacuan o entullo e os homes patrullan para expulsa-los saqueadores.
- Fonte: C29 (246)
.....--- to clear up
- aclarar

EN And before I allow you to marry her, you will have to clear up the whole question of Cecily.
GL E antes de permitires que ti cases con ela, terás que aclararme todo o asunto de Cecily.
- Fonte: ERN (118)
- esclarecer

EN At length the visit of your cousin L in his road to Th. has cleared up the mystery in a way more agreeable to myself than I could have ventured to anticipate from any communication short of that which should acquaint me with the entire dispersion of the dejection under which you labored.
GL Ó cabo, a visita do seu curmán L., de camiño a Th., esclareceu o misterio dun xeito máis agradable para min do que o puidera aventurar a anticipar por comunicacións insuficientes no relativo ó que me daría a coñece-la extensión total do desánimo baixo o que vostede traballaba.
- Fonte: LET (12)
.....--- to clear a hurdle
- superar un obstáculo

EN Devils on the Doorstep, which invited the wrath of China's Film Bureau by travelling overseas without going through the proper channels, probably needs to clear a few hurdles before it can see the light of day.
GL Devils on the Doorstep, que provocou as iras da Oficina Chinesa de Cinematografía cando se distribuíu no estranxeiro sen pasar polos circuítos oficiais, terá que superar probablemente múltiples obstáculos antes de se poder estrear no seu país de orixe.
- Fonte: C03 (382)