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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- classification, classify, classmate, classroom, clatter, clause, clavichord, claw, clay, clean, cleaner, cleaning, cleanliness, cleanly, cleanse, cleansing, clean-up, clear, clearance


- adjective
- limpo

EN He thought of them as men who washed their bodies briskly with cold water and wore clean cold linen.
GL Pensaba neles como homes que lavaban alegremente os corpos con auga fría e gastaban roupa interior limpa.
- Fonte: RET (3129)
- puro

EN "If it's Michael's they are," says he, "you can tell herself he's got a clean burial by the grace of God, and if they're not his, let no one say a word about them, for she'll be getting her death," says he, "with crying and lamenting".
GL "Se é que son de Michael", di el, "pódeslle dicir a ela que ten un enterro puro, pola gracia de Deus; e se non lle pertencen a el, que ninguén diga nin unha palabra sobre isto, pois ela morrerá", di el, "entre os prantos e os lamentos".
- Fonte: RID (32)

- transitive verb
- lavar

EN Kino heard the creak of the rope when Juana took Coyotito out of his hanging box and cleaned him and hammocked him in her shawl in a loop that placed him close to her breast.
GL Kino oíu o renxer das cordas de esparto cando Juana colleu do barrelo a Coyotito para o lavar e o acurrunchou no chal cerca do seo.
- Fonte: PER (49)
- limpar

EN Piggy took off his damaged glasses and cleaned the remaining lens.
GL O Piggy quitou as lentes escangalladas e limpou o cristal que quedaba.
- Fonte: SEN (2964)
- asear

EN Many of them are manual scavengers, cleaning the toilets of upper-caste villagers or toiling the land, sometimes for less than a handful of rice a day.
GL Moitos deles son varredores, asean as latrinas das castas superiores ou traballan no campo, ás veces por menos dunha presa de arroz ó día.
- Fonte: C05 (260)
- purificar

EN The human gene pool cannot be "cleaned" up because, as scientists point out, new genetic anomalies develop with each generation.
GL É imposible "purificar" o xenoma, pois en cada xeración xorden novas anomalías xenéticas, explican os científicos.
- Fonte: C18 (45)