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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- classicism, classics, classification, classify, classmate, classroom, clatter, clause, clavichord, claw, clay, clean, cleaner, cleaning, cleanliness, cleanly, cleanse, cleansing, clean-up


- noun
- gadoupa

EN Soon the darkness was full of claws, full of the awful unknown and menace.
GL De contado, a escuridade inzouse de gadoupas, do terror descoñecido e de ameazas.
- Fonte: SEN (2874)
- pouta

EN The parrot took the picture in his claw, turned his head from side to side, and examined it curiously with either eye.
GL O papagaio apañou o cadro coa súa pouta, virou a cabeza dun lado para outro e esculcou nel con curiosidade con un e co outro ollo.
- Fonte: ALH (611)
- garra

EN "If you meddle with the devil, take care of his claws!" answered the Captain of Castle William, stirred by the taunt against his countrymen.
GL --Se vos mesturades co demo, coidade das súas garras! --respondeu o capitán do Castelo William, aguillado polo sarcasmo contra os seus paisanos.
- Fonte: EDW (103)
- pinza

EN Its evil eyes were wriggling on their stalks, its mouth was all alive with appetite, and its vast ungainly claws, smeared with an algal slime, were descending upon me.
GL Os seus ollos malignos retorcíanse nos seus soportes, a súa boca parecía viva de apetito, e descendían sobre min as súas torpes pinzas, enzoufadas cunha lama de algas.
- Fonte: TEM (1808)
- pata

EN In the porkers he saw carved out the future sleek side of bacon, and juicy relishing ham; not a turkey but he beheld daintily trussed up, with its gizzard under its wing, and, peradventure, a necklace of savory sausages; and even bright chanticleer himself lay sprawling on his back, in a side-dish, with uplifted claws, as if craving that quarter which his chivalrous spirit disdained to ask while living.
GL Vía os porcos sen o seu exquisito lacón nin o saboroso e apetitoso xamón. Observaba todos e cada un dos pavos atados con delicadeza, coa moella baixo a ala e, quizais, un colar de deliciosas salchichas. Mesmo o galo estaba deitado sobre unha das bandexas dos lados, patas arriba, coma se implorase clemencia, cousa que o seu espírito valente non se dignara facer mentres vivía.
- Fonte: LEN (92)