EN Where appropriate, it may facilitate such practices as cleansing ceremonies as a way of recognizing and honouring past events.
GL ...Fomenta certas prácticas, coma as cerimonias de purificación, para recoñeceren e honraren feitos pasados.
Fonte: C16 (998)
EN While moderate commentators referred to a campaign of "ethnic cleansing," those targeted by the violence spoke of "genocide".
GL Se os comentaristas modernos aludían a unha campaña de "limpeza étnica", outros non dubidaban en falar rotundamente de "xenocidio".
Fonte: C08 (988)
EN And on April 16, the UN Human Rights Commission, by 44 votes out of 51, condemned "ethnic cleansing", while the opponents of this condemnation had stressed that it would be tantamount to justification of the bombing.
GL Por outra, o 16 de abril a Comisión de Dereitos Humanos das Nacións Unidas, por 44 votos sobre 51, condenou a "purificación étnica", mentres os adversarios desta condena insistiran en que ela equivalería a unha lexitimación dos bombardeos.
Fonte: C12 (1503)