EN And she was silent, for his voice was command.
GL E ela quedou en silencio porque a súa voz fora unha orde.
Fonte: PER (1009)
EN Time was to sin and to enjoy, time was to scoff at God and at the warnings of His holy church, time was to defy His majesty, to disobey His commands, to hoodwink one's fellow men, to commit sin after sin and to hide one's corruption from the sight of men.
GL Houbera tempo de pecar e disfrutar, de mofarse de Deus e dos avisos da súa Santa Igrexa, de desafiar á Súa Maxestade, de desobedecer os Seus mandamentos, de enganar os demais, de cometer pecado tras pecado agachando a corrupción propia dos ollos dos homes.
Fonte: RET (2304)
EN Having vented the first ebullition of his wrath, he dispatched a message demanding the surrender of the corporal, as to him alone belonged the right of sitting in judgment on the offences of those under his command.
GL En tendo desabafado o primeiro cachón da súa rabia, despachou un recado demandando a entrega do cabo, pois que só a el pertencía o dereito de dictaminar en xuízo sobre os delictos daqueles que estaban baixo o seu mando.
Fonte: ALH (44)
EN From hence the low murmur of his pupils' voices, conning over their lessons, might be heard in a drowsy summer's day, like the hum of a bee-hive; interrupted now and then by the authoritative voice of the master, in the tone of menace or command; or, peradventure, by the appalling sound of the birch, as he urged some tardy loiterer along the flowery path of knowledge.
GL Dende alí podía oírse o murmurio das voces dos alumnos repasando as súas leccións nun somnolento día de verán, que semellaba o zunido dun enxame de abellas, continuamente interrompido pola voz autoritaria do mestre, cun ton de superioridade ou de mandato, ou, se cadra, polo temible son dunha vara, que incitaba a algún lacazán a penetrar no fermoso mundo da educación.
Fonte: LEN (35)
transitive verb
EN Nothing was too great for Buck to do, when Thornton commanded.
GL Nada era demasiado para Buck se era o seu amo quen o ordenaba.
Fonte: CHA (1233)
EN The goddess --called Ani by the Igbo-- who commands the Mbari festival is not only responsible for art and creativity but morality as well.
GL A deusa que rexe o festival Mbari, a quen os igbo chamamos Ani, non só é a divindade da arte e a creatividade, senón tamén da moralidade.
Fonte: C06 (1367)
EN The paradoxical law of revenge commands the killing of the killer.
GL A regra paradoxal da vendetta esixe mata-lo que matou.
Fonte: C16 (1352)