EN He then wheeled his flight up to the royal palace, which stood on a rocky summit of Toledo, and went prowling about its terraces and battlements, eavesdropping at every cranny, and glaring in with his big goggling eyes at every window where there was a light, so as to throw two or three maids of honor into fits.
GL Logo rolou deica o palacio real, que ficaba no penedoso curuto de Toledo, e andou á espreita polas solainas e mailas ameas, guichando por tódalas gretas e faiscando cos seus grandes ollos regalados en cada fiestra onde houbese unha luz, conseguindo provocar ataques de nervios a dúas ou tres donas de honra.
Fonte: ALH (722)
EN In the course of generations, when many people have lived and died in an ancient house, the whistling of the wind through its crannies, and the creaking of its beams and rafters, become strangely like the tones of the human voice, or thundering laughter, or heavy footsteps treading the deserted chambers.
GL No decurso de xeracións, cando moita xente viviu e morreu nunha vella casa, o asubío do vento através das súas fendas e a renxedura das súas viguetas e trabes vólvense estrañamente como os tons da voz humana, ou de risa atronadora, ou de fortes pasos tripando as desertas cámaras.
Fonte: EDW (156)
..... nook and cranny
EN Finally, Dubya (referring to the middle initial of George W. Bush) and the clan arrive to reclaim an old stomping ground, the Electoral College, a fortress dating back over 200 years, whose framers examined every nook and cranny before sealing it constitutionally.
GL Entran por último en escena George e o seu clan, que reclaman unha vella sala de danza, o Colexio Electoral, unha fortaleza de máis de dous séculos. Os pais fundadores examinaron os seus recantos e logo pechárona co cadeado constitucional.
Fonte: C30 (1050)