EN Mr Casey raised his clenched fist and brought it down on the table with a crash.
GL O señor Casey ergueu o puño pechado e abateuno enriba da mesa con estrondo.
Fonte: RET (857)
EN The crash and clatter were what she wanted to hear.
GL Desexaba escoita-lo estalido e o estrondo.
Fonte: ESP (1457)
EN When the crash should come, he might somehow be able to save me from total destruction; I didn't know how, but he might think of a way, maybe.
GL Cando fose que se producise o estoupido, el sería capaz de rescatarme, dalgún xeito, da destrucción total; non sabía cómo pero era posible que, quizais, a el se lle ocorrese algo.
Fonte: BIL (221)
transitive verb
EN But every day, the number of people who die of hunger in the world is equivalent to the number who would perish if several hundred jumbo jets crashed.
GL O número de persoas que morren cada día de fame no mundo equivale ó das víctimas de varios centenares de avións estrelados.
Fonte: C16 (1425)
EN After the Berlin wall came down, she took a crash course in capitalism
GL Trala caída do muro de Berlín, emprendeu un curso intensivo de capitalismo.
Fonte: C20 (88)