EN Near it the market is crowded with women wearing kerchiefs of every colour --red, crimson, red-brown, gold, and many flowered in various hues, red, purple, yellow, blue - as crossovers.
GL Cerca del o mercado está cheo de mulleres con panos de tódalas cores, vermella, granate, vermella-parda e moitos estampados en distintos tons; o vermello, o púrpura, o amarelo e o azul aparecen nos mantons.
Fonte: GAL (423)
EN He allowed them to glow and fade, hue after hue: sunrise gold, the russet and green of apple orchards, azure of waves, the grey-fringed fleece of clouds.
GL Stephen deixaba que brillasen e se esvaecesen, matiz tras matiz: o sol nacente dourado, vermello e verde dos pomares, o azul das ondas, a orla gris das nubes de algodón.
Fonte: RET (3292)