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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- imbue, imitate, imitation, imitator, immaculate, immaculately, immanent, immaterial, immature, immeasurable, immeasurably, immediacy, immediate, immediately, immemorial, immense, immensely, immensity, immersed


- adjective
- inconmensurable, · inconmesurábel

EN But, temporal or spatial, the esthetic image is first luminously apprehended as selfbounded and selfcontained upon the immeasurable background of space or time which is not it.
GL Mais, temporal ou espacial, a imaxe estética é en primeiro lugar claramente aprehendida como un todo delimitado e contido en si mesmo sobre o inconmensurable fondo de espacio ou tempo que non é a propia imaxe.
- Fonte: RET (4228)
- inmenso

EN And if it be pain for a mother to be parted from her child, for a man to be exiled from hearth and home, for friend to be sundered from friend, O think what pain, what anguish it must be for the poor soul to be spurned from the presence of the supremely good and loving Creator Who has called that soul into existence from nothingness and sustained it in life and loved it with an immeasurable love.
GL E se para unha nai é doloroso o verse afastada do fillo, para un home exiliarse da patria e do fogar, para un amigo a separación do amigo ¡ai!, pensade que dor, que angustia debe ser para a pobre alma o ser rexeitada da presencia do Creador supremamente bo e amoroso, que chamou a alma a existir desde a nada, e a sostivo na vida e a amou con inmenso amor.
- Fonte: RET (2599)