EN At that season those who had gone down to pace the beach and ask of the sea and sky what message they reported or what vision they affirmed had to consider among the usual tokens of divine bounty --the sunset on the sea, the pallor of dawn, the moon rising, fishing-boats against the moon, and children pelting each other with handfuls of grass,-- something out of harmony with this jocundity, this serenity.
GL Naquel tempo, os que foran pasear pola praia e foran preguntar ó mar e ó ceo que mensaxe transmitían ou que visión revelaban debían ter presente entre as usuais mostras de xenerosidade divina --o solpor no mar, a palidez do amencer, a saída da lúa, os barcos pesqueiros no luar e os nenos tirándose presadas de herba uns ós outros-- algo que non cadraba con esa xovialidade, con ese sosego.
Fonte: CAR (2029)