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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- lose, loser, loss, lost, lot, loth, lottery, lotus, loud, loudly, loudspeaker, lounge, lounger, louse, lousy, lovable, love, loveless, loveliness


- adverb
- alto

EN Piggy snivelled and Simon shushed him quickly as though he had spoken too loudly in church.
GL O Piggy deu en saloucar e Simon acalouno axiña coma se estivese falando demasiado alto na igrexa.
- Fonte: SEN (1871)
- en alto

EN They enter singing loudly, and the voices of row after row, as it enters the dark aisle from the glowing sunshine, are drowned by the notes of the organ.
GL Entran cantando en alto e as voces de tódalas ringleiras, a medida que entran no escuro corredor desde a luz brillante do sol, son afogadas polas notas do órgano.
- Fonte: GAL (622)
- en voz alta

EN This desolateness overcame all his connubial fears --he called loudly for his wife and children-- the lonely chambers rang for a moment with his voice, and then all again was silence.
GL Esta desolación liberouno dos seus temores conxugais. Chamou en voz alta á súa muller e ós seus fillos, e aquelas estancias solitarias resoaron durante un instante, quedando despois todo outra vez en silencio.
- Fonte: RIP (145)
- con forza

EN He heard the sob passing loudly down his father's throat and opened his eyes with a nervous impulse.
GL Oíu o salouco afundíndose con forza na gorxa do seu pai e abriu os ollos cun impulso nervioso.
- Fonte: RET (1924)