cortexo fúnebre
EN The trams ran along the high wall of the Central Cemetery, and for a mile on the other side of the rails stretched the monumental masons and the market gardeners --an apparently endless chain of gravestones waiting for owners and wreaths waiting for mourners.
GL Os tranvías corrían aparellados ás altas tapias do Cemiterio Central e case nunha milla toda ao longo das vías distinguíanse canteiros a traballar nas lousas e tamén tendas de flores... unha cadea aparentemente infinda de lápidas que agardaban dono e coroas á espera de cortexo fúnebre.
Fonte: TER (144)
EN Perhaps this was some poor mourner whom the dreadful axe had rendered desolate, and who sat here heart-broken on the strand of existence, from which all that was dear to her had been launched into eternity.
GL Podería tratarse dunha pobre carpideira a quen a horrible machada deixara soa no mundo e que estaba alí sentada, desconsolada pola súa existencia, da que todo o que ela amaba fora expulsado cara á eternidade.
Fonte: EXP (41)