EN He spoke indignant, jealous words, abusing her, in a mutter so as not to wake the children, the two little boys.
GL Pronunciaba palabras cheas de indignación, de celos, palabras coas que a aldraxaba, nun murmurio, para non esperta-los nenos, dous rapaciños pequenos.
Fonte: CAR (2728)
transitive verb
EN He stood irresolute, making some excuse about his mother who expected him; he even muttered something about an engagement.
GL El quedou de pé, indeciso, escusándose con que a súa nai o agardaba; mesmo murmurou algo sobre un compromiso.
Fonte: ESP (2775)
intransitive verb
EN The savages guarding the neck muttered among themselves but made no motion.
GL Os salvaxes que gardaban o paso murmuraron entre si, pero non se moveron.
Fonte: SEN (5388)
EN No one spoke for a moment, then Piggy muttered to the sand.
GL Ninguén falou durante un chisco; despois o Piggy moumemou mirando para a area.
Fonte: SEN (4304)
EN He was muttering and about to cry.
GL Refungaba e semellaba que estaba a chorar.
Fonte: SEN (870)
EN Muttering half aloud, so he broke off, turned, sighed, raised his eyes, sought the figure of his wife reading stories to the little boy; filled his pipe.
GL Rosmando entre dentes, detívose, deu media volta, suspirou, ergueu a mirada, viu a figura da súa muller, que lle lía un conto ó seu fillo máis pequeno; encheu a pipa.
Fonte: CAR (547)