EN The latter have a native charm and willingly describe their country and its customs.
GL Estes últimos teñen o encanto nativo e describen con cariño o seu país e os seus costumes.
Fonte: GAL (370)
EN Surely this was his native village, which he had left but the day before.
GL Non había dúbida de que aquela era a súa aldea natal, da que marchara o día anterior.
Fonte: RIP (135)
EN She welcomed them with all the native hospitality, as she would have opened her door to let the sunlight in.
GL Déulle-la benvida facendo gala dunha hospitalidade completamente natural, o mesmo que abriría a porta para deixar que entrase a luz do sol.
Fonte: ESP (972)
EN The well-known Galician dramatist, Don Manuel Linares Rivas, is also a native of Santiago, but he writes in Castilian.
GL O ben coñecido autor dramático galego, don Manuel Linares Rivas, é tamén orixinario de Santiago, pero escribe en castelán.
Fonte: GAL (170)
EN He was a native of Connecticut; a State which supplies the Union with pioneers for the mind as well as for the forest, and sends forth yearly its legions of frontier woodsmen and country schoolmasters.
GL Era natural de Connecticut, un estado que abastece á Unión de colonos tanto para o ensino coma para traballar nas fragas, e que tódolos anos envía unha lexión de leñadores da fronteira e de mestres rurais.
Fonte: LEN (27)
EN The pretext for these sporting hierarchies may well be the culture of Europe's former colonial powers, in which white settlers ruled indigenous "coloured" populations on the basis of the supposedly greater rationality of white people as against the sensuality, lack of emotional restraint or intelligence of the "native".
GL É moi posible que o pretexto para instaurar esas xerarquías deportivas sexa a cultura das antigas potencias coloniais, nas que os colonos brancos rexían ás poboacións "de cor" baseándose nunha suposta maior racionalidade da poboación branca fronte á sensualidade, a falta de control emocional ou de intelixencia dos "nativos".
Fonte: C27 (933)