EN For no one attracted her more; his hands were beautiful to her and his feet, and his voice, and his words, and his haste, and his temper, and his oddity, and his passion, and his saying straight out before everyone, we perish, each alone, and his remoteness.
GL Ninguén a atraía tanto coma el; as súas mans parecíanlle fermosas, e os pés, a voz, as palabras, e o seu nerviosismo, o seu humor, as súas rarezas, a súa paixón, e o seu xeito franco de dicir ante calquera: perecemos, todos nós sós, e mailo seu aire ausente.
Fonte: CAR (2658)
EN As we touched our glasses together, my legendary friend made himself known to me as Mr. Bela Tiffany; and I rejoiced at the oddity of the name, because it gave his image and character a sort of individuality in my conception.
GL Cando tocamos os nosos vasos á xunta, o meu lendario amigo déuseme a coñecer a min como o Sr. Bela Tiffany, e eu alegreime coa singularidade do nome porque lle daba á súa imaxe e carácter unha sorte de individualidade no meu concepto.
Fonte: EDW (19)