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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- tiger, tight, tighten, tight-fisted, tightly, tightness, tight-rope, tile, tiled, till, tiller, tilt, timber, Timbuktu, time, timeless, timeline, timeliness, timely


- preposition
- ata

EN Martins stood there, till the end, close beside me.
GL Martins seguiu alí ata a fin, moi preto de min.
- Fonte: ERN (159)
- ata que

EN And Father Arnall had said that he need not study till the new glasses came.
GL E o Padre Arnall dixera que non tiña que estudiar ata que non chegasen os lentes novos.
- Fonte: RET (1184)
- deica

EN I had quite a bit of time to kill till ten o'clock, so what I did, I went to the movies at Radio City.
GL Aínda tiña moito tempo deica as dez, así que fun ó cine a Radio City.
- Fonte: VIX (4422)

- noun
- caixa

EN Some people had their hand in the till, which was pretty empty anyway.
GL Algunhas persoas metían a man na caixa, xa bastante escasa.
- Fonte: C04 (1351)

- transitive verb
- labrar

EN On a six-acre farm in the quiet hills of Vermont, she earns $50 a week tilling the land, and experimenting with seed saving and ancient farming techniques which she believes still hold the key to solving world hunger.
GL Traballa nunha granxa, nos outeiros apacibles de Vermont. Gaña 50 dólares semanais labrando a terra, reciclando sementes e ensaiando métodos de cultivo ancestrais que, cre, un día acabarán coa fame no mundo.
- Fonte: C08 (217)
- cultivar

EN Those who own the lower, larger terraces are the wealthy elite, while the peasants till the upper, narrower spaces.
GL Dado que os extensos campos ó pé da montaña quedan reservados para unha minoría podente, os campesiños máis pobres retiráronse ás alturas para cultivar nos socalcos máis exiguos
- Fonte: C22 (433)