The project

Gondomar provides multiple editions of the texts that make up the corpus, presenting a paleographic or very conservative transcription and an interpretative edition as well as a facsimile. All the texts are lemmatized and morphosyntactically labeled. Consequently various types of search can be carried out on the text corpus.

The editing, lemmatizing and labeling of the text was carried out using the TEITOK platform, which also provides search features and tools for corpus analysis.

Information is provided below about the overall criteria that have been followed when transcribing, editing and labeling the texts, together with an outline of the corpus search options. For a more detailed explanation of transcription and edition criteria, see the Publications page where the pertinent manuals are available for download. More details about search options may be found under Help for a given page.

Transcribing, editing and labeling texts

Criteria for transcription

The criteria for transcription are designed to yield a palaeographic edition that reproduces the original as faithfully as possible. Choosing Transcription as the display option shows a transliteration of the text conserving original spellings (except for obsolete graphemes such as ſ, which is converted to s), accents, punctuation, word separations and abbreviations. Lacunae, tears, amendments and reading difficulties are indicated using different colours. The Expanded transcription option may be used to spell out abbreviations, which are then shown in a different colour. Details of the transcription criteria may be found in the Transcription Manual.

Criteria for editing

The Interpretative edition option displays what the editors consider to be the most complete version reflecting the authors’ intention. This is based on a critical edition, shown without explanatory apparatus and including certain modern elements in order to facilitate reading and understanding for present-day readers.

The interpretative edition, while basically respecting the sense of the original, systematically readjusts or omits formal features such as amendment signs, doubtful readings or abbreviations, updates word separations, accents, use of diacritics, punctuation, the use of capital letters and so on, and unifies spelling variants. All these interventions are indicated adequately through colour coding and there are options to display the original forms. The criteria for editing are set out in the manual.

Lexical items and morphology are not modernized; the obsolete and regional variants are conserved. However, readers may check the standard form corresponding to any word by hovering the pointer over the place in the text, which displays a pulldown menu. 

Tagging and lemmatization

The whole Gondomar corpus has been lemmatized and morphosyntactically labeled using the EAGLES tagging system. Initially Freeling was used for lemmatization and labeling, after which the automatically produced lemmas and labels were manually checked.


Gondomar allows direct searches on the text corpus by character string, modern standard form of a word, morphosyntactic tag or lemma (citation form or base word). The software allows users to adjust settings for a number of parameters affecting display options. A link to a Help file is attached.

The same tab also provides a text finder with several search options such as date, author and title.