Text searches

The application offers a number of ways to search the texts in the corpus:

  • Word form (word): searches for occurrences of a particular form just as it occurs originally in texts (for example, pudiche 'you could').
  • Standardization (nform): searches for occurrences of any variant of a word that corresponds to a given present-day standard word form (so for example one can search for all the variants of standard puideches 'you could', e.g. puidechespoidechespuidechepudiche and so on).
  • POS tag (pos): searches for occurrences of forms with a given EAGLES tag (for example, all the forms in the corpus tagged as VMIS2S0, i.e. second person singular preterite indicative).
  • Lemma (lemma): searches for occurrences of forms of a given headword (e.g. to find all occurrences of any inflected form of the verb poder).

A search may also contain elements of two or more of these types simultaneously: for instance, all the forms that are variants of standard fuches and belong to the lemma ir (rather than ser).

In any search it is also possible, by choosing an option from the dropdown menu, to look for (a) a whole word or tag, (b) a word or tag beginning with a certain sequence of characters, (c) a word or tag ending in a certain sequence or (d) a word or tag containing a certain sequence.

More complex searches may also be performed by choosing a CQP-type search. This makes it possible, for example, to search for occurrences of the headword ter followed by any preposition,

[lemma="ter"] [pos="SPS00"]

a sequence consisting of the headword ter followed by the preposition de followed by an infinitive,

[lemma="ter"] [pos="SPS00" & lemma="de"] [pos="VMN.*"]

or a possessive not preceded by a form of the definite article:

[pos!="DA.*"] [lemma="meu"|lemma="teu"|lemma="seu"]

This type of search can also be used to disregard case in searches:

[word="miña" %ci]

Document searches

The Search page also contains a document finder which can be used to locate one or more documents by their author, title or date.

These fields can also be used as filters in text searches. Thus any of the aforementioned searches can be limited to a given author or to any range of dates.