Tesouro Informatizado da Lingua Galega

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Tesouro Informatizado da Lingua Galega (TILG) is a lemmatized and tagged corpus of Modern Galician developed by Instituto da Lingua Galega under the leadership of Antón Santamarina. In its current version, TILG covers 1,958 works by 704 authors written between 1612 and 2013, making it possible to query an integrated data base of over 26 million words belonging to 95,409 distinct headwords. There are two basic kinds of search, by word form or headword, plus a variety of refinements through advanced search queries.

Throughout its entire duration the project has benefitted from funding by the General Office of Language Policy (and its successor the General Secretariat for Language Policy) of the Xunta de Galicia. The corpus has been adapted jointly with the Computer Linguistics Seminar of the Universidade de Vigo with a view to integrating it into the RILG platform within the framework of a research project funded by the Dirección General de Investigación (Spanish Ministry of Education and Science) and the Dirección Xeral de I+D (Xunta de Galicia).

Forma de cita

Santamarina, Antón (coord.): Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. Santiago de Compostela: Instituto da Lingua Galega. <http://ilg.usc.es/TILG/> [Consultado: <data>]