intransitive verb
EN She waited for the material pictures which she thought would gather and blaze before her imagination.
GL Esperou que as escenas reais nas que adoitaba pensar se lle acumulasen e resplandecesen no seu maxín.
Fonte: ESP (639)
EN As these catastrophes occur, the sun will blaze with renewed energy;
GL A medida que ocorran estas catástrofes, o sol iluminará con enerxías anovadas.
Fonte: TEM (1009)
EN On the granite hearth, with a single granite pillar at one side supporting the chimney, a black ola stood upon an iron tripod over blazing pine-twigs, with a mound of turf ash at the back.
GL Sobre a lareira de pedra un único piar de granito termaba da cheminea, unha ola negra aparecía colocada sobre unhas trepias de ferro e debaixo alapeaban unhas achas de piñeiro; pola parte de atrás da lareira había un montón de cinza.
Fonte: GAL (817)
EN Now that the illumination had begun, however, it blazed to the zenith, and what he presently stood there gazing at was the sounded void of his life.
GL Agora que a luz comezara a facerse, sen embargo, refulxía en todo o seu esplendor e o que naquel momento estaba a observar era o resoante baleiro da súa vida.
Fonte: BES (862)
EN He kicked a pile of twigs into the fire hole to make a blaze, and then he could see the face of Coyotito.
GL Arrimoulle co pé ó lume un montón de garabullos para que fixesen lapa, e entón puido ve-la cara de Coyotito.
Fonte: PER (557)
EN Looking back presently, I could see, through the crowded stems, that from my heap of sticks the blaze had spread to some bushes adjacent, and a curved line of fire was creeping up the grass of the hill.
GL Ó mirar atrás podía ver, a través da multitude de ramas, que dende a morea de paos se espallara o lume ata uns matos veciños, e que unha liña curva de lapas estaba a subir pola herba, outeiro arriba.
Fonte: TEM (1557)
EN The water that firefighters used to put out the blaze flushed huge amounts of insecticides and pesticides into the river, sparking an ecological catastrophe.
GL En Schweizerhalle enormes cantidades de insecticidas e pesticidas foron vertidas no río xunto coa auga utilizada polos bombeiros para combate-las chamas.
Fonte: C24 (852)
luz intensa
EN I had the camphor in my pocket, too, if a blaze were needed.
GL Tiña tamén o alcanfor no meu peto, para o caso de necesitar unha luz intensa.
Fonte: TEM (1519)