EN He had never yet heard a young girl express herself in just this fashion; never, at least, save in cases where to say such things seemed a kind of demonstrative evidence of a certain laxity of deportment.
GL Nunca escoitara unha rapaza nova expresarse deste xeito; nunca, polo menos, exceptuando casos nos que dicir semellantes cousas parecía un tipo de evidencia demostrativa dunha certa lixeireza de comportamento.
Fonte: DAI (215)
EN Mr. Coleridge, who does not usually offend by laxity and indecision of purpose, has in this instance allowed the very objects of his advice to shift and fluctuate before him; and from the beginning to the end, nothing is firmly constructed for the apprehension to grasp, nor are the grounds of judgment steadily maintained.
GL O Sr. Coleridge, que non ofende usualmente por lasitude e indecisión de propósito, ten, neste caso, permitido que os mesmos temas da súa opinión deriven e fluctúen diante del; e do principio á fin, nada está construído firmemente para que o entendemento o aprehenda, nin están os fundamentos do xuízo mantidos establemente.
Fonte: LET (32)