EN Kino moved sluggishly, arms and legs stirred like those of a crushed bug, and a thick muttering came from his mouth.
GL Kino moveuse preguiceiramente, cos brazos e as pernas estarricadas coma as dun insecto esmagado, e un rouco refungar saíu da súa boca.
Fonte: PER (1060)
EN The great breast and heavy fore legs were no more than in proportion with the rest of the body, where the muscles showed in tight rolls underneath the skin.
GL O amplo peito e as poderosas patas dianteiras estaban en proporción co resto do corpo, onde os músculos se debuxaban a través da pel.
Fonte: CHA (1354)
EN Maurice had got both legs through one leg of his shorts --of all the boys, only Ralph was still.
GL Maurice metera as dúas pernas por unha perneira do pantalón... De tódolos rapaces, Ralph era o único quedo.
Fonte: SEN (1778)