EN It was connected with the tragical story of the unfortunate André, who had been taken prisoner hard by; and was universally known by the name of Major André's tree.
GL Estaba relacionado coa tráxica historia do malogrado André, que fora feito prisioneiro moi preto de alí, e por iso se coñecía como a árbore do comandante André.
Fonte: LEN (256)
EN One of the very few major disputes between Carol Reed and myself concerned the ending, and he has been proved triumphantly right.
GL Unha das poucas rifas importantes que tivemos Carol Reed e mais eu foi a causa da fin; demostrouse que el levaba toda a razón do mundo.
Fonte: TER (29)
EN In every syllogism one of the two premises (the major) lays down a rule, under which rule the other (the minor) brings the subject of your argument as a particular case.
GL En cada siloxismo, unha das dúas premisas (a maior) establece unha regra baixo a cal a outra (a menor) trae o asunto do seu argumento como un caso particular.
Fonte: LET (173)
intransitive verb
EN Personal evolution: Followed in the footsteps of his illustrious predecessor Charles Darwin by studying at Cambridge University's Christ's College of where he majored in anthropology and archaeology.
GL Evolución persoal: seguindo os pasos do seu ilustre antecesor Charles Darwin, realizou estudios no Christ's College da Universidade de Cambridge, especializándose en antropoloxía e arqueoloxía.
Fonte: C22 (1346)