transitive verb
EN The view from the windows, now mere gaps in their granite frames, makes one wonder how it can have been suffered to fall into ruin.
GL A vista dende as fiestras, agora simples buratos nos seus marcos de pedra, fai que un se pregunte polo que debeu pasar para converterse en ruínas.
Fonte: GAL (1206)
EN Before the fire an old woman was busy making tea and, as she bustled at the task, she told in a low voice of what the priest and the doctor had said.
GL Diante da lareira unha vella estaba moi ocupada preparando o té e, mentres bulía na súa tarefa, andaba a contar en voz baixa o que dixeran o crego e máis o médico.
Fonte: RET (1446)
EN Without further delay I determined to make myself arms and a fastness where I might sleep.
GL Sen perder máis o tempo, decidín fabricar armas e procurar un refuxio onde puidese durmir.
Fonte: TEM (1276)
EN There are times when one has to make a flash decision --this was one of them.
GL Hai momentos nos que a un lle cómpre tomar unha decisión rápida: aquel era un.
Fonte: TER (1534)
EN If they can't make something or lose something --they don't care which-- they won't play.
GL Se non son quen de gañar ou perder nada... dálles igual o que sexa, non xogan.
Fonte: BIL (291)
EN It's this course where each boy in class has to get up in class and make a speech.
GL É un curso no que cada rapaz ten que poñerse de pé no medio da clase e botar unha prédica.
Fonte: VIX (6027)
EN He seemed an odd man for Harry to choose --Harry who liked men with a certain recklessness, men capable of making mistakes.
GL Era un home demasiado raro para que Harry o escollera... Harry, que tiña predilección polos homes un punto imprudentes, os homes capaces de cometer erros.
Fonte: TER (795)
EN Wishing to dominate, wishing to interfere, making people do what she wished -- that was the charge against her, and she thought it most unjust.
GL Que quería dominar, que quería interferir, obrigar á xente a face-lo que ela quería; iso era do que a acusaban, e pensou que era unha acusación moi inxusta.
Fonte: CAR (745)
EN Whenever people talk to me about the weather, I always feel quite certain that they mean something else. And that makes me so nervous.
GL Sempre que a xente me fala do tempo, síntoo como se me quixesen dicir algo máis. E iso ponme tan nerviosa...
Fonte: ERN (364)
..... to make out
EN Listening carefully, detaching his mind from the swing of the sea, Ralph could make out a familiar rhythm.
GL Cando escoitou con coidado e puido afastar da mente o alentar do mar, Ralph puido distinguir un ritmo familiar.
Fonte: SEN (5721)
EN But to be enabled to conjecture with any degree of likelihood the tenor of his first enquiries, we must endeavour to make out what part he played in his former life.
GL Pero para poder elaborar unha hipótese con certo grao de verosimilitude sobre a dirección que seguirían as súas primeiras preguntas debemos tentar entender que papel desempeñaba o señor Dodsworth na súa antiga vida.
Fonte: DOD (30)
..... to make up
EN The rest of the dogs were in like condition; but Perrault, to make up lost time, pushed them late and early.
GL E o resto dos cans non se atopaban en mellores condicións; pero Perrault, para recupera-lo tempo perdido, obrigábaos a camiñar sen descanso.
Fonte: CHA (468)
EN Not a word of it was true; she had made it up; but it was what she knew them by all the same.
GL Non había nada de verdade; inventárao; pero, de calquera xeito, era o que sabía deles.
Fonte: CAR (2732)
EN The floor was made up of huge blocks of some very hard white metal, not plates nor slabs-blocks.
GL O chan estaba composto de inmensos bloques dalgún metal duro e branco, non eran placas nin lousas.
Fonte: TEM (580)
..... to make up for
EN Ah, my dear boys, believe me there is nothing in this wretched world that can make up for such a loss.
GL Ah, meus caros rapaces, crédeme, nada hai neste mundo ruín que compense de semellante perda.
Fonte: RET (2261)