transitive verb
EN It sounded very distinctly, at last, in her telling him she would stop 'teasing' him if he would promise her solemnly to come down to Rome in the winter.
GL Soaba con distinción, por fin, ó dicirlle que pararía de "amolalo" se lle prometía solemnemente ir a Roma no inverno.
Fonte: DAI (680)
meterse con
EN While the father kept giving him a lot of advice, old Ophelia was sort of horsing around with her brother, taking his dagger out of the holster, and teasing him and all the while he was trying to look interested in the bull his father was shooting.
GL Mentres o pai lle daba os consellos, Ofelia facía o parvo ó redor do irmán, tiráballe o coitelo da funda e metíase con el todo o tempo, mentres el tentaba de parecer moi interesado no que o pai lle dicía.
Fonte: VIX (3834)