transitive verb
PAST: threw; PART: thrown |
EN What they said she could not remember, but only she and Charles throwing stones and getting on very well all of a sudden and Mrs Ramsay watching them.
GL Non podía lembra-lo que dixeran, só que ela e mais Charles estiveran a guindar pedras e que de repente se sentira moi ben con el mentres a señora Ramsay os observaba.
Fonte: CAR (2491)
EN Assembly after assembly had broken up in laughter when someone had leaned too far back and the log had whipped and thrown half a dozen boys backwards into the grass.
GL Moitas asembleas víranse interrompidas polas risas cando alguén se inclinaba de máis para atrás, facendo que o tronco se movese e lanzase media ducia de rapaces á herba.
Fonte: SEN (2116)
EN For she was wearing a green shawl, and they were standing close together watching Prue and Jasper throwing catches.
GL Ela levaba o seu chal verde e estaban os dous xuntos, de pé, contemplando como Prue lle tiraba a pelota a Jasper.
Fonte: CAR (1053)