Manuel González González

Full professor of Romance Philology at the University of Santiago, where he carried out an important part of his academic studies, and where he formerly held the positions of teaching assistant, assistant professor, and associate professor. His uninterrupted connection to the USC continued throughout the years he worked as associate professor and subsequently full professor of Spanish Language and Literature in secondary education. Researcher of the Instituto da Lingua Galega, director of the Galician language and culture courses for foreigners for 21 years, and member of the FILGA research group.
His research activity focuses on the areas of linguistic geography (co-author of the Atlas Lingüístico Galego, and member of the team of the Atlas Linguistique Roman and the Atlas Linguarum Europae), lexicography (director of the RAG Dictionary; co-director of the Diccionario castelán-galego da RAG and of Volga; director of the team that authored the Diccionario de verbos Laverca, the first lexicographic work to incorporate voice synthesis); terminology (co-author of several specialized dictionaries and vocabularies), sociolinguistics (president of the Technical Committee of the General Plan of Linguistic Normalization in Galicia, and since 1994 was the director of the project resulting in the Sociolinguistic Map of Galicia, as well as its 2004 update), normalization (he participated in the elaboration of the Bases prá unificación lingüística do galego and the Normas RAG-ILG); phonetics and speech technologies (studies in acoustic phonetics, and co-directed the development of Cotovía and other voice synthesis and recognition projects).
Numerary member of the Galician Royal Academy since February 1992, he was secretary and treasurer of this institution, where he was director of the Sociolinguistics Seminar, and where he currently coordinates the Lexicography and Terminology Seminars and directs the DRAG. Scientific coordinator of the Centro Ramón Piñeiro para a Investigación en Humanidades since 1996. President of Puntogal. Corresponding member of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
Director of the review Cadernos de lingua, and also a member of the Scientific Board of more than a score of linguistics reviews in his research interest areas in different countries.
Latest publications
- “Proxecto Nós: Artificial Intelligence at the Service of the Galician Language”Adina Ioana Vladu / Iria de-Dios-Flores / Mª del Carmen Magariños Iglesias / John E. Ortega / José Ramom Pichel / Marcos García / Pablo Gamallo / Elisa Fernández Rei / Alberto Bugarín / Manuel González González / Senén Barro / Xosé Luís Regueira Fernández (2022): XXXVIII Congreso de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, A Coruña: Universidade da Coruña, 20-23 de setembro de 2022 - Presentación
- Iria de-Dios-Flores / Mª del Carmen Magariños Iglesias / Adina Ioana Vladu / John E. Ortega / José Ramom Pichel / Marcos García / Pablo Gamallo / Elisa Fernández Rei / Alberto Bugarín / Manuel González González / Senén Barro / Xosé Luís Regueira Fernández (2022): Proceedings of the TDLE Workshop @LREC2022, 52-61 - Artigo
- Manuel González González (2022): Estudos dialetais brasileiros e europeus: uma homenagem a João Saramago, Vanderci de Andrade Aguilera / Fabiane Cristina Altino / Conceição de Maria Araújo Ramos (eds.), Campo Grande: Editora UFMS, Vol. 2, 149-168. - Capítulo de libro